hey thanks for stopping by my channel my name is Fatima and in today’s video I’m going to share with you five ways to keep God at the center of your relationship here on the so beauty chat we have authentically vulnerable conversations about faith soul and inner beauty so if you’re interested in any of those topics consider subscribing okay so let’s go ahead and get right into the video so the question came from YouTube community if you guys don’t know make sure you turn on those notifications by clicking that little bell I post questions and random stuff honestly on the community tab on my youtube page so if you haven’t seen it make sure you go over there and check it out but I basically posted that I was gonna be doing a Q&A and I decided to take some of the questions out and make complete videos and this is one of them but how do you keep God at the center of your relationship okay so how do you keep God at the center of your relationship I have five ways that you can keep God at the center of your relationship one is to pray together this may seem like an over if you want to keep God at the center of your relationship you have to be in communication with God and that is a great way to make sure that you guys are both aligned maybe you had an argument a disagreement or maybe you happy you’re having a rough day or maybe your partner had a rough day praying together is a great way to keep God at the center in the core of your relationship and your focus so that is my number one to pray together number two is to pray individually even when you’re not together you should still have a relationship with God on your own if you want to make God the center of your relationship together he has to be the center of your life you want to pray individually pray for your partner pray for their well-being pray for their security pray for their resistance against temptation that’s something that I do on a regular basis honestly is I pray for my boyfriend I pray for him all the time just to make sure that he’s saved just to make sure that he’s focused just to make sure that he’s doing the things necessary to be aligned with his purpose so pray for you about oh I can only pray when I’m with this person no you can pray with you by yourself when you’re doing your morning prayers or their nighttime prayers or whenever it is that you’re toxic God pray for your partner purposefully intent tip number three is to glorify God together this one is so huge and so rewarding actually to glorify God together and that can mean so many different things that can be going to church together that can be going to a gospel show together or going to faith-based of it together do different things where you can be in the presence of God to guess being in church while my boyfriend was let’s say playing on the drums and I was participating in praise dance or something like that we’re both serving and we’re completely devoting our time and our energy to glorifying God and just being able to do it together or witness it is so rewarding so find different ways that you can do that in your relationship like I said maybe it is just going to church together maybe it’s going to some type of an event together or maybe it’s hosting an event maybe you guys can put together an event for other Christian couples in your in your area in your church so these are just all different ideas of how you can glorify God together number four is to hold each other accountable My partner and I have started doing that so much this year and it’s been so rewarding to literally if we say that we’re gonna do something and we say that we’re going to show up if we say we’re going to participate in this certain thing or if we’re gonna change a certain habit or a certain lifestyle choice we hold each other accountable we don’t let each other off the hook we don’t let it fly off the pass if you know as I say I’m gonna stop watching a certain show or if I say that I’m gonna stop hanging out with a certain person because I know that they’re not adding value to my life it’s important that we hold each other accountable that you check in with your partner and say hey I noticed that you said you were going to stop doing X or that you were gonna stop hanging out here and stop going to this place but you know you’re still going or you still win what cost that change it doesn’t necessarily have to be in an attack but it can be more of a question just getting them to think about their decisions and say think about the commitment that they made to themself to God and to you number five is to make God the center of your life I touched on this a little bit earlier but I’m gonna repeat it again here it is vital that if you want God to be the center of your relationship he has to be he has to first be the center of your personal relationship and you don’t have a personal relationship with that how can you expect for your partner or for you to make it a priority to make god the center of your relationship together it’s just honestly not going to work so if you’re in a relationship and you’re finding that God is not the center of your relationship maybe you’re treating each other as idols you’re treating each other as God you’re treating each other as you know the sole dependent of your happiness and your joy evaluate that and really ask yourself am i making god the center of my life first before I even got into this relationship and if you didn’t it may be time to take a step back and really just you know whether is something you have to do single or something that you guys can work through together but it definitely should require some time to analyze and really take a look over it’s got the center of your personal life I hope that this video was helpful like I said if you haven’t already make sure you go ahead and subscribe and turn on your notifications if this pres I need it with you and also head down to the comments section right now and let me know what is one way that you like to keep God the center of your relationships if you’re in a relationship if you’re not that’s cool too hashtag team single it for your team singles nothing wrong with that and I will see you guys in the next video I can’t wait to chat with you down in the comments section have a good one if you enjoyed this video make sure you head over to my website Fatima farmer comm and sign up for the free 7 day prayer journaling challenge this challenge includes audio guides and prayers that you can download that will help you build your faith in a stronger relationship with God I really hope that is a blessing to you on your journey

https://www.christiandatingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/hqdefault-2.jpghttps://www.christiandatingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/hqdefault-2-150x150.jpgcdmadminDatingFeaturedRelationshipchrist-centered relationship,christian youtuber black christian vlogger faith youtubers soulbeautychat,fatimafarmer,god centered relationship,godly dating,godly dating 101,godly dating: 5 keys to a christ centered relationshiphey thanks for stopping by my channel my name is Fatima and in today's video I'm going to share with you five ways to keep God at the center of your relationship here on the so beauty chat we have authentically vulnerable conversations about faith soul and inner beauty...