very exciting hi greeting beam project hey guys hey beatboxing session or will be boxer Oh y’all like juice pillows oh hey y’all welcome to my channel my name is Stephanie I know it’s been a long time in the making I am learning videos and equipment all kinds of fun things but nobody cares about that this first episode is going to be about a very hot topic no not the election that won’t be on this channel um but another hot topic which is dating predominately dating relationships that glorify God I picked two women who kind of fluctuated on the dating spectrum a little bit differently I did not choose these women just because they were dating um but I chose to interview these women based on the relationships with God and their convictions on dating and just relationships in general I feel like I have so many amazing people in my life and it would be a shame not to share them with you all well if you like this video please hit the like button comment any thoughts or questions and please hit the subscribe button but thank you guys so much for watching bye um wife amber and I waiting for a year and but almost two months but I just garbage but I’m jokey and I’ve been dating for about six months now tingle it feels like your arms waiting for something that you’re always waiting for your hand come on or well if you’re a guy girl – the girl and so I think the biggest thing that I learned is like I had to let go be it that’s for me because the truth of it is easy to find personally watch the works for your life way you really only have a certain amount of time with them you know whether they I mean it’s really sad but whether they go first or you do or something happens like God always has to be enough so I feel like I spent many of my single days just loving my life and loving God and letting got be enough so that when I did find the man of my dreams like it was just on top of just an amazing blessing of God already you know being enough for me so so as much as I love my fiance like he’s not he’s not who God is to me and I think I spent many of my celery years loving the fact that that I was allowed to have that time to let God be the biggest thing they thought about dating was that you got to get a boyfriend maybe were do well spiritually I came in time once I reach a certain point spiritually once I know and that’s for sure since I’ve you know been around the block a few times been blessed my life so the boyfriend network that I got to be here clear enough for God good buddy and that it’s all depend on God’s timing personally when I thought I was ready when you are guarded it’s important granted flex pay bars are available are my when the shape we’re supposed to not monster over part surrounding else trailer to liberate your friend even in friendship and that’s what it is right it’s like an exam in French it all right friendships are not really so the you know that phrase like you get what you give yeah so that’s kind of kind of my mantra when I started and I do I pretend every time like God is if I am not the one to help my family get to happen then let’s not be together it was really boring to me is that we don’t attend so as much as I want us in my life I someone didn’t want it would it be with God forever so introduces war one of the biggest things I took away from microwave is understanding the character I think that room loving some of you really see character and I feel very lucky to experience like everyday he’s loving it all they could care less and I don’t think they really would have gotten out I think it took my heartbreak and used it to explore how God feels about things are helpful absences forgot there it’s like look at me the trees for you I need an eye for you and working and right okay you know it is a boyfriend that I do like like just toss it to find them I think I forgot to extend so much luck to it and we don’t I love a protector McKeen your eyes everyone it seems like the person that you’re with is not the one you’re supposed to be I would always feel like romantics doesn’t look you know like the guy kids fall towards my phone or you know I’m not doing enough and that’s how many times I like boys you think that you have all this controlling our relationship was like it is gone you shut the door it’s not a little bit at the door it’s not says no to a relationship well that’s it on the first episode of Christian dating um godly relationships so again if you loved the video please hit subscribe and thanks for watching's AdviceLifestyleVideochristian,christian dating,christian dating advice funny,christian dating funny,christian dating sermon,christian relationships,christian youtuber,christianity,dating,dating advice,dating tips,godly,godly dating,godly relationships,godly wife,godly women,jefferson bethke,pure,pure relationships,purity,purity ring,pursue her,relationships,relationships advice,the kingdom gypsy,youtubber,youtubervery exciting hi greeting beam project hey guys hey beatboxing session or will be boxer Oh y'all like juice pillows oh hey y'all welcome to my channel my name is Stephanie I know it's been a long time in the making I am learning videos and equipment all kinds...