hello everyone welcome back to my channel fun care christian and if this is your first time here then welcome thank you for clicking through and if you are already a subscriber then a big thank you to you thank you for all your supportive comments or your likes it really means a lot to me thank you so today we’re going to be answering some important christian dating and single life questions so some of you may already know this but i became a born-again christian at the age of 30 i met my husband at 33 and i got married at the age of 35 and we’ve been married for 13 years now so far so i dated as a christian and i also dated as a non-christian and in in the dating there were various questions and scenarios that i had to deal with and i would ask myself what would god have me do if i do this is it a sin will god be angry with me is this god’s will so it’s really important that as christian singles we are clear on what is god’s will concerning dating who to date and how to date so that we can make the right decisions concerning our relationships because doing relationships god’s way is always going to be a blessing so the first question is very common but very important and that is is it okay to date a non-christian if they are really interested in finding out more about god and in coming to church so second corinthians in the new testament clearly says do not be unequally bound with unbelievers it then goes on to say what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever it compares a believer and an unbeliever to light and dark and those are two big differences when you look at the definition of darkness it is the absence of light so in essence what the bible is saying is that spiritually believers and unbelievers have absolutely nothing in common and in so many passages in the bible it tells us of the benefits when two believers are in a relationship with each other it says iron sharpens iron which means two believers in a relationship edify each other they build each other up they strengthen each other in another passage it says one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight so it shows the impact when two believers come together in a relationship whether it’s dating or in a friendship and in the new testament jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name there i am so it’s clear that god’s will for us in a dating relationship is to date another believer another christian but what happens if the non-christian is really interested in getting to know more about god is really interested in coming to church now while that is really positive and really good they are still two separate things one is about dating with the purpose in most cases of getting married and the other one is about salvation so what christian singles should be looking to do in this scenario is connecting this person a non-christian to a church maybe their church and connecting them to someone that can help them in the church to answer their questions to guide them and to take them through the next steps and when you meet someone if you are not sure whether they are christian or not that should be the first thing you should try and find out it was the first thing that i found out about my husband when we met so the second question is is it okay to date someone less educated or in a less skilled profession now a lot of times when people ask those questions it’s because they have two major fears or concerns the first one is what will people think what will my parents think they put such a high value in education they’ve invested so much in my education what will my friends think what will my colleagues think and the second concern is will we have anything in common so there is a wonderful passage in proverbs that says fear of man what he thinks what he will do will prove to be a snare but whoever trusts in the lord is kept safe and basically what that passage is saying is that it is dangerous to be concerned about what other people think of you to let the fear of other people’s opinions of you and who you date determine your decisions so it’s really good to listen to the people that love you and care about you to listen to their opinions but don’t let your fear of the uh the opinions of other people determine what your decision will be with anyone that you’re considering dating ask yourself what do we have in common with each other am i considering dating this person for the right reasons not because i’m scared of being alone or i’m scared that i won’t get married and the most important thing is pray about it and ask god what he wants you to do and don’t rush into anything so question number three is should i date a divorcee is it a sin in the bible in the book of malachi we are told that god hates divorce divorce was not part of his original plan in the new testament jesus explains that god allows divorce as a concession to man’s hard heart and he again says it was not part of god’s original plan we also see in the new testament that there are two grounds recognized for divorce one is unfaithfulness or infidelity in the marriage and the second one is if an unbeliever deserts a believing spouse so should you date a divorcee well there are a number of factors to consider and there are definitely questions that need to be asked early on were they christian when they got divorced why did they get divorced what is a relationship like with their spouse how are their family members handling it and the most important thing is always is really seek god and asking for god’s wisdom and guidance it’s important for all this to be done very early on before any decision to date is made it’s so much easier to make the decisions at the very beginning before emotions have become involved and it gets harder to make the decisions that we need to make in accordance with god’s will because it’s not an easy one when you meet someone that you like and you have a rapport with them and then you discover that they have been divorced but now that you know and have a better idea of god’s will concerning dating a divorcee and god’s mind on divorce it will help you to know how to manage the situation wisely and in a godly way and the next question is should i date someone i’m not attracted to but i enjoy spending time with them so i think the first thing we should talk about is about attraction so attraction is not always physical it’s not always dependent on a person’s physical appearance also attraction is not about you are attracted to the person or you’re not attracted to the person attraction can grow and it can also diminish it can grow as you get to know a person better as you get to know their character the way they treat other people as you spend more time with them and it can also diminish the more you get to know a person and see their character and how they treat other people as well i wouldn’t advise dating someone just based on physical attraction but i also wouldn’t advise dating someone that you are not attracted to do not date someone that you are not attracted to because you think it will keep you from sexual sin and do not date someone you’re not attracted to because you think that it is maybe more honorable than dating someone just because you’re physically attracted to them if you enjoy the person’s company that’s really good and that can still form the basis of a dating relationship but i would say wait and actually try and just form a friendship with the person so you can get to know each other without the pressure of dating and it is possible that you may find that an attraction for this person starts to grow as you get to know them better so the next question is should i lower my standards so usually when singles ask this question it may be because they don’t have a clear understanding of what standards are when it comes to dating so standards are the things that determine how a person treats you or behaves in a relationship so how a person treats you and behaves in a dating relationship is determined by things like their beliefs their character their morals their values the type of standards that christian singles should be looking at are things like someone who puts god’s word first someone who is committed to god’s word someone who is committed to growing in their relationship with god so standards should really be the non-negotiable things they should be the things that if they are absent in a person that you’re potentially considering dating then it’s a deal breaker so when you look at standards like this you realize that standards cannot be raised or lowered because they are the essentials that must be there for anyone that you are going to consider dating so things like um a person’s looks how much they earn how they dress where they live those are not standards they are wishlist things or nice to haves they don’t determine how a person will treat you or behave in a relationship or in a marriage so what should you do look at your standards and revise them in line with god’s word the next question is when is the right time to give an ultimatum in a relationship so in a relationship between two christians there shouldn’t be ultimatums the relationship should be open where you are talking about your feelings talking about where you would like the relationship to go um talking about your plans and desires for your life and for the relationship a relationship between two christians should always be an open one where each person gives the other person the opportunity to be honest and truthful about how they feel don’t hide your feelings about your desire for marriage your desire for commitment and don’t even hide your feelings about what you think um the timelines should be for marriage an ultimatum can come across as a threat it can look very controlling and it can also come across as if the person giving the ultimatum doesn’t genuinely care about the other person’s needs or their desires in the relationship in the famous scripture in corinthians in first corinthians about love it tells us that love is patient love is kind love does not seek to try and get its own way and that’s important but that doesn’t mean that we should be in relationships where we feel unhappy or that our needs are not being met so what do you do in that situation well the first thing is as i said there should always be openness in a relationship so it should never come as a surprise to the person that you are dating that maybe there are certain aspects of the relationship that you are not happy with and from my own personal experience of when i was dating and i had to make a decision in a relationship one you can choose to stay in the relationship and see how things go if you do decide to stay then stay and be patient but if you decide that it is not working for you then lovingly and respectfully leave the relationship now when i did this i have to admit that it was not easy but we had talked about it and it was clear that we both wanted different things so when i left the relationship i knew that i wasn’t going to be looking back so even though there were times when it was not easy i was committed to moving on so the next question is is it okay to live together if we are not sleeping together so the very simple answer to this question is no it’s not okay the bible tells us very clearly that we as christians are to flee all appearance of evil so even if we are not sleeping together the fact that we’re living together gives the wrong appearance because as christians we are called to glorify god in every area of our lives it does beg the question why not actually consider getting married because it increases the risk of sexual sin it takes away from the anticipated excitement of being married and finally being able to live together as husband and wife so the next question is is it okay to date my friend’s ex so there is no yes or no in answer to this question and there is no right or wrong but jesus does say to us in the bible that we should treat others the way we would want to be treated and that is an important attitude to have in a situation like this you cannot determine your friend’s reaction if you do date someone they had dated in the past but you can determine your behavior and you can determine how you handle the situation as the bible tells us very clearly we should deal with things with kindness with gentleness with patience with love so be very open and be very honest and put yourself in the other person’s shoes how would you want someone to handle this situation with you so the next question is more of a single life question and is probably more specific to women and the question is as a christian woman is it wrong for me to freeze my eggs so this is a question that some christian single women and non-christian single women may start asking and considering as they get older and they are not yet married medical science has said that as women get older there is an increased chance of infertility and other conditions that can compromise a woman’s fertility some women may already have concerns about their fertility because of certain conditions that they have experienced some women may be concerned that because of their age they may find it difficult to get pregnant when they get married and want to start having children so is it wrong what does god think so as a christian woman who loves the word of god and desires to do god’s will in every area of my life this is my opinion it is not a sin for a woman to freeze her eggs eggs are not a living thing they have to be fertilized with the sperm first is it god’s best for us i believe without a shadow of a doubt that god is well able to bless women so that they get pregnant quickly once they are married and want to have children the bible tells us that god is a god that heals us that nothing is too hard for him so will god love a christian a less if she decides to freeze her eggs no we are all at different levels of faith one woman may have faith that god will renew her use and she will have no problems getting pregnant regardless of her age but another woman may have faith that she will get married but maybe because of um previous conditions or doctor’s diagnosis or for whatever reason she does not have the faith to believe that she will get pregnant easily as she gets older god is not going to be disappointed or love a woman any less because she chooses to freeze her eggs because she is concerned that as she gets older it will be harder for her to get pregnant when she gets married i think that it is better for a woman in this situation to freeze her eggs than for her to fret and worry and then because of that rush into marriage and make the wrong decisions i still strongly advise women that take the decision to freeze their eggs to continue to build their faith in this area because freezing their eggs is not 100 insurance and it does come with some risks so as we date and in our single life and in life in general we are going to come across different scenarios and we are always going to find ourselves asking what does god think of this what does god want me to do what is the right thing to do in accordance with god’s will and the most important thing for us to do is to seek god’s will through reading the bible through praying through asking him for wisdom and through asking advice from trusted and mature christian friends so if you have any more questions that i haven’t answered in this video please leave them in the description box and i can answer them or i can always do another video if there are enough questions but i really hope that this video has been useful to you so thank you so much for listening to this video if you liked the video then please give it a thumbs up if you haven’t subscribed already please subscribe to my channel funcarechristian i’m also on instagram at funkechristian.life and as always thank you so much for watching god bless take care and speak soon

https://www.christiandatingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/hqdefault-10.jpghttps://www.christiandatingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/hqdefault-10-150x150.jpgcdmadminDatingadvice for single christian women,answering christian dating questions,christian dating advice,christian dating and single life questions,christian dating questions answered,christian singles advice,is it a sin to freeze my eggs?,is it ok to date a divorcee?,is it ok to date a non christian,is it ok to give an ultimatum in a christian relationship,should i lower my standards?,tough dating questions answered,what is the right thing to do in christian datinghello everyone welcome back to my channel fun care christian and if this is your first time here then welcome thank you for clicking through and if you are already a subscriber then a big thank you to you thank you for all your supportive comments or your likes...